Accentuate the positives, medicate the negatives. ~Amy Sedaris

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dolfin Noir Au the Earl Grey

For people who love fine chocolate and tea. From the artists of chocolate 'blending', comes Chocolat Noir Au The Earl Grey. No really, this makes sense. Great girlfriends get together, they binge on chocolate, they drink tea with both hands, and dream of the day when their indie rock star boyfriends get over their fears of commitment. This bar of chocolate appeals to all of that.
This is a belgian chocolate bar that I picked up at Central Market. It comes in a sort of plastic green pouch like loose tobacco. The website for Dolfin explains this is for opening and reopening the product, so the minty green packaging kind of reminds me of the 'bugler' tobacco product. The packaging presents many translations, but my favorite is the nutritional values section that states the bar's energetical value for women is 26%.
This chocolate itself is pretty common but the tea part of this set up is pretty cool. It's not just limp bits of twigs. It's not tea flavor infused in the chocolate. Rather, it's crystalized tea bits suspended in the bar--kinda sandy almost. One friend told me that she wants to taste this bar in chai. I'll give her that- it would be I'm looking for a chai chocolate bar now. Indeed, the Dolfin site alludes to a bar with 'hot masala'. Bingo.

You won't be able to eat the whole bar in one sitting because it's just very rich, and because you will feel very hyper and ready to clean your house intensely. (you do not want to eat this bar late at night people!) and I'm pretty sure the energetical value was refering to calories in some wierd belgian way, but the caffine in this bar might make that a clever play on words.

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