Accentuate the positives, medicate the negatives. ~Amy Sedaris

Thursday, August 5, 2010


After the last disappointment in Italian chocolatiers, I come across the Venchi 85% Pure Extra Dark Chocolate.
It is pure.

I first tasted this bar and felt so unsure about my feelings for it. Felipe tasted it and spit it out. 'It's over 72% and I'm out' he said. Then he ran to the kitchen to steal a bottled water from the company fridge to rinse the taste out of his mouth. I think he still grabbed a paper towel and mopped up the residue off of his tounge.
Me, I was in love. 'It's like medicine' I said. Not in a bad sterile cough syrup meaning way. But in a feeling of understanding that my feelings for it, and it's being for me was a mutual or reciprocal exchange.
This bar is dry and creamy. It coats, covers, and expands on your tounge and around your mouth. I can't believe it's over. I can't believe it's gone.
Where are the beans from? Don't care. Awesome.....

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