Accentuate the positives, medicate the negatives. ~Amy Sedaris

Friday, August 6, 2010

Valrhona Caraibe Noisette

The first review I wrote about this bar used the word 'nice' waaaaayyyy too many times as should be deemed appropriate.
So often in fact, that the word became offensive in meaning. Case in point: 'Oh yes, that girl Jane is very...(long pause) *nice*'. Not the good kinda nice, but the kinda nice that gets kicked in the ribs over and over and still forces a smile. The kinda nice where there isn't much else to say or elaborate over. For God's sake, I hope never to be that woman, Jane. Well behaved women rarely make history the saying goes, and so it goes for bars as well.

Dark chocolate with split hazelnuts, and a break in the straight dark chocolate routine. French. A 'candy' bar. In fact, it's made me think of those little Perugina Baci balls. The ones with the hazelnut in the center? The chocolate that has the fine hazlenuts diced inside? Like that. But a tad darker. Those Baci candies are sweet- with the little love note's inside. Very romantic, and much more authentic than the lengthy drawn out affiars of Chocolove...
A little nut for the nut.
But, good luck getting past the nut.

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