Accentuate the positives, medicate the negatives. ~Amy Sedaris

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chocolove Raspberries in Dark Chocolate 55%

The double score. 160 calories per serving. 55%. 16% fat
Rasbperries in Dark Belgian Chocolate from the makers of 'Chocolove' and extreemly accessible. I found it at Target in the regular candy bar isle next to Gheradelli and Toblerone. Lot # 052309. Made with love in Boulder BABY!
This bar was first introduced to me by Laura Teaske who had fallen madly in love with another bar they keep- salted almonds I think was the flavor. 'Love Poem Inside', the label reads. I must admit, the poem, by William Shakespeare is not quite as sexy as I might have hoped, but I am medicating myself with chocolate at work so there should be some boundaries. She also introduced me to a sweet little bar that had Gogi berries in it which I have been chasing ever since...I dedicated this bar to the memory of that one which she brought to me as a hostess gift.
Why so great?
- Accessible
- Dried berries in chocolate are fast becoming my favorite
-Not at all bitter-dark. Might be a nice introduction to dark for someone transitioning from milk (milk is for babies!)
- At the bottom of the poem is a lead for another tempting flavor. The lead is: Orange Peel in Dark Chocolate with best by date of MAR 2011. Not big into orange and chocolate...I don't think...but when the universe speaks, I'm inclined to do as I'm told!
- I love and hate the division of tiny bits. Tiny bits making up two halves of the bar. Portion control...ahhhhh. The tiny hearts on those little bits are so sweet....
Proudly, I stretched this bar out to 3 days and shared pieces witha t least two friends.

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